Call for donations to finance “Trop Chaud”, the documentary about the Swiss KlimaSeniorinnen (Senior Women for Climate Protection). Distributed online for free starting October 2024.

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“Trop chaud”, or “Too Hot” in English, is a 70-minute independent documentary film about a group of women, all senior citizens, from all over Switzerland who are suing their country at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. They claim the Swiss government is doing too little to protect them from the effects of climate change.

The KlimaSeniorinnen made worldwide headlines on 9 April 2024. 

The ECHR ruled that protection against climate change is a human right. Protecting the climate is therefore the responsibility of all 46 member states of the Council of Europe.

The judgement has caused quite some controversy in Switzerland. The Court is being accused of undermining Swiss sovereignty and its direct democracy. 

What happened?

  • The ECHR ruled that protection against the effects of climate change is a human right. 
  • The ECHR is part of the Swiss legal system. This was clearly confirmed by the Swiss electorate in November 2018 with the approval of all cantons.
  • The most important basis for the ECHR judgement is the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, which Switzerland ratified and in which it pledged to reduce its CO2 emissions. 
  • The ECHR found that Switzerland’s CO2 accounting is inadequate and the country is failing to meet its target, because some referendums blocked innovative changes.
  • The ECHR did not prescribe how Switzerland should achieve its goal. It emphasised that this is solely a matter for Swiss democracy and its institutions.

What is “Trop Chaud” about?

“Trop chaud” documents the story of the KlimaSeniorinnen from A to Z, from the start of their campaign to the historic verdict of 9 April 2024, and it also explores what the ruling means.

“Trop chaud” is a documentary film made in line with journalistic ethics and standards. It neither avoids unpleasant questions nor does it indulge in populism or polarisation.

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“Once ridiculed, now celebrated.” 

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Donate now and watch the film online for free in October 2024🔥

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#tropchaud #climatehope #lawsuitsforfuture

«The film will give us hope that not all means have been exhausted in the fight against climate change.»

Benjamin Weiss, director of «Trop Chaud»

«It has been scientifically proven that older women suffer more than average from the increasing summer heatwaves.»

Quote by a Senior Woman for Climate Protection 

I want to stay informed about the completion of “Trop chaud” and screenings of the film together with members of the KlimaSeniorinnen.

We appreciate your donation, thank you very much!


Benjamin Weiss
Regisseur, Co-Autor

Daniel Hitzig

This call for donations is published with the support of the Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz. Donations will be used exclusively for making the film. If the fundraising campaign raises more money than needed to finance the film, 100% of the surplus will go to the Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz.

“Trop chaud” is a production of Hook Film in co-production with Mattogrosso. All rights reserved. 

Mattogrosso GmbH
Klosbachstrasse 116
CH-8032 Zürich